Mandai Wildlife Reserve Collection

Embarking on a nostalgic journey often sparks the most vibrant of inspirations for new creations. Reminiscing about the days when my children were young, our frequent excursions to the verdant expanses of Mandai, from the bustling Singapore Zoo to the enchanting Bird Park, have always held a special place in my heart. It was during a recent bout of spring cleaning, while sifting through my daughter's childhood keepsakes, that I stumbled upon a treasure trove—a scrapbook she crafted, brimming with vivid depictions and snapshots of rare fauna and fluttering butterflies. This glimpse into her youthful fascination with the exotic and the unusual ignited the spark for our latest masterpiece: The Exotic Edit.

It is with immense excitement that we unveil 'The Exotic Edit,' a collaborative endeavor with the esteemed Mandai Wildlife Reserve. This collection is a testament to our brand's enduring passion for the animal kingdom, our steadfast commitment to sustainability, and our unwavering dedication to innovative design. This partnership is particularly meaningful to me, as someone who has always revered the Mandai Reserve's monumental efforts in wildlife preservation, habitat restoration, and its stewardship of four magnificent parks.

The inspiration for this collection was kindled by the myriad of creatures that call the zoo home, from the adorable red pandas to the secretive pangolins. These animals not only captivated our hearts but also inspired us to encapsulate their essence in our designs, making each piece a narrative of our dedication to environmental stewardship.

In our quest for sustainability, we've chosen to work with ethically sourced Mangowood for our trays, derived from trees that no longer bear fruit yet offer premium quality wood. Our commitment to the planet extends to our packaging choices as well, with a transition from plastic to eco-friendly paper and cloth alternatives. From the outset, our company has been driven by the principle of 'Buy Once, Buy Well,' aiming to significantly reduce our environmental footprint.

Our brand takes pride in its vegan ethos, ensuring that no animal products are used in our creations. Our clutch bags, crafted from premium PUC leather, are not only vegan but also painstakingly handmade.

Through 'The Exotic Edit,' we invite you to join us in celebrating a world where design and sustainability converge harmoniously, and where our creative endeavors become a potent catalyst for positive environmental change.

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